In my room, I have a bookcase. For those that have joined the weekly zoom call, you would know it's where I get books like "The Picky Eaters Recovery Book" or "CBT for ARFID: Children, Adolescents and Adults" from where I feel it's important to a discussion. But on my bottom shelf, I keep a folder called "Eating Disorder Book".
Inside the folder, I've got things in here that have helped document my eating disorder such as;
Weight and Height tracking sheets
Paediatric letters confirming prior "diagnosis' e.g. selective eating"
Discharge letters
Referral letters to specialist eating disorder treatment
Diagnosis' letters
Care Plans in Adult Treatment
Food diaries
and so much more. But why did I keep all of these documents together.
It's simple really. Keeping documents relating to your disorder helps you create a documented, historical timeline of your eating disorder which makes it so important for future reference or to see where across time you may have been misdiagnosed or something along those lines.
So how can I make a document folder?
Firstly, get yourself a good quality A4 binder to keep your documents in along with plastic wallets to protect your documents. Dividers are an option if you wanted to divide care you received when you were a child and care you received since becoming an adult.
Next, sort your documents into chronological order (oldest first) and put two documents into one plastic wallet, back to back - that way, when you open the folder it will open like a book. Sorting, organising and putting your documents into place takes some time so defiantly take some time to play some music (get the tunes on). Then, you're done!